28 Jan

Internet of Things: 5 Big Predictions for 2019

We live in an exciting new world, don’t you think? Relying on tech more and more, we are able to get places faster, be in contact with people far away, work from home (or the beach, if you are feeling adventurous) and have all the information as soon as we want it. Simply put, we are connected. We are all present in cyberspace through our own or someone else’s doing – thank the people who don’t ask for permission before posting pictures with you online. But how safe is all that connectedness – if that even is a word? Do you ever wonder to what degree the evolution of the Internet of Things endangers people and what is to expect next? Well, there is only so far into the future we can look into, so let’s see what the predictions for 2019 are.

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21 Jan

Internet of Things: 4 Biggest Fails of 2018

The concept of the Internet of Things – and its main advantage – is at the same time the biggest potential security risk for all those who have accepted it and have joined the circus, so to speak. Yes, people like having all the information all the time on all of their devices – neatly segmented and contextualized to fit their needs and situation. And yes, most of them haven’t given a second thought to providing access to their personal data to all kinds of services and systems in order to have everything they could ever want at the tips of their fingers – from comprehensive weather reports and traffic warnings to their own houses recognizing them as owners and turning the lights on upon entering. It is an interesting world we live in, with technology constantly at our beck and call, but are we also slowly starting to realize just how much we are allowing it to rule our lives? One could argue that every time the tech misbehaves or someone else takes advantage of it – and by proxy, us – it has failed us on some level. In that sense, let’s see the 4 times it did just that in 2018.

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